Fiber Optics healthcare

Fiber optics for diagnostics and treatment – healing light
Medical technology for optimal treatment
Sensor-based and spectroscopic applications help in early detection and reduce the costs of treatment.
Treatment: medical devices and laser probes for pulsed and CW lasers in medicine
Long experience, numerous innovations, maximum quality and the cost-effectiveness of our products ensure your success in patient-centered medicine.
OEM service and development partner
Thanks to our strong vertical integration and expertise in the manufacture of medical devices, we are an attractive partner for the development of medical devices for new areas of application.
Your advantages
- Huge bandwidth of biocompatible fibers
- Solutions for laser medicine, diagnostics, and spectroscopy from a single source
- OEM and ODM partner
- OEM branding possible
- Versatile distal tip designs
- Regional product approvals
- Joint development projects
- Global presence
Our strengths
- Customer-specific solutions and medical laser probes
- Complete value chain (raw materials, fibers, cables, assemblies, special optical components)
- Specialists for in-house special fiber production and assembly
- Experienced in high-end applications for optical metrology such as New Horizons, LIGO gravity wave detector
- Experience with high-power laser applications (industrial laser assemblies)
- Highest quality standards
- Custom builds to customer requirements
- Excellence in production and logistics
Fields of use
- Laboratory medicineOptical metrology for in vitro diagnostics (IVD)In vivo diagnosticsLab-on-a-chip (connection and integration)
- Optical metrology for in vitro diagnostics (IVD)
- In vivo diagnostics
- Lab-on-a-chip (connection and integration)
- Patient-centered medicine Aesthetic surgery and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
- Aesthetic surgery and phlebology
- Endoscopy
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Dentistry
- Gastroenterology
- Pneumology
- Dermatology
- Gynaecology
- Urology
- Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
- Medical devicesFor detailed information, please visit our Business Unit Healthcare online
Other products
- Medical (biocompatible) fibers for:
- various wavelengths
- with various numerical apertures (NA)
- low-OH fibers available
- Medical laser probes with customer-specific modifications, examples include:
- proximal and distal tip design
- various colors
- diameter
- ring marking
- lengths
- Ophthalmic probes
- Connectors for medical laser systems
- Fibers and assemblies for laboratory medicine
We look forward to your inquiry. Talk to us today.
Please contact us for further information. We look forward to your inquiry.
Europe, Africa, and Asia (excl. China)
Phone +49 36764-81-100
Phone +86
North and South America
Phone +1