Fiber services
CSM fiber services

Broad spectrum of customer-specific fiber services
We supply you with fiber sets in units of up to 12 multimode or singlemode fibers, combined in accordance with your requirements. This enables you to outsource a bottleneck-prone manufacturing stage to ensure the productivity-oriented manufacture of high-efficiency cables.
When ordering your standard fibers, you can also select from a wide-ranging choice of various fiber colorations or color codings, buffer materials, or coating options.
Other services we offer alongside fiber assembly include standardized measurement of standard fiber parameters, measurement of special glass, coating, or buffer material parameters, and environmental testing.
Range of products and services
- Various buffer materials
- Fiber sets
- Precise fiber lengths for your cable order
- Fibers are pre-sorted for your buffered fiber assembly according to the colors required
- Packaging and reeling as required with your designated cable order number
- High-temperature coatings
- Colored fibers
- as per IEC 60304 (sequence according to VDE 0888-3)
- up to 12 colors possible
- Ring marking
- Measurement of all relevant parameters for standard multimode and standard singlemode fibers using standardized measurement procedures (IEC 60793-1) plus environmental tests
- Selected measurements on preforms (e.g. refractive index profile) and fiber samples, such as optical inspection of the fiber ends
- Measurements on assembled fibers, including insertion loss, return loss, interferometric measurements
Other Products
Please contact us for further information. We look forward to your inquiry.
Europe, Africa, and Asia (excl. China)
Phone +49 36764-81-100
Phone +86
North and South America
Phone +1