Special fibers for high-temperature applications
CSM fibers for high-temperature applications

Singlemode and multimode fibers for data communications or light transmission at high temperatures
For use in higher temperature ranges, all optical fibers based on Fused Silica can be optionally equipped with heat-resistant coating materials. This extends the potential field of application to a range from −190 °C to +385 °C.
- Multiple coating and buffer materials are available, depending on the application
- Customer-specific fiber designs
- Broad temperature spectrum
- Mechanical strength and stability
- Resistance to chemicals and other media
- Autoclavable
Range of products and services
Product portfolio
- Singlemode fibers
- Multimode fibers for data communications 50/125, 62.5/125
- Large-core fibers for beam transmission
- High-temperature coatings
- High-temperature acrylate
- Silicone
- Polyimide
- Optional ETFE buffer material
Application temperatures
- −40 °C to +150 °C high-temperature acrylate
- −40 °C to +180 °C silicone
- −190 °C to +385 °C polyimide
- <+150 °C ETFE
Ordering options
- Fiber type
- Fiber coating
- Optional buffering/extruded
- Optionally assembled as cable or fiber bundle
Fields of use
- Sensor technology
- High-power laser transmission
Other Products
Please contact us for further information. We look forward to your inquiry.
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Phone +49 36764-81-100
Email sales-europe@weinert-industries.com
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Email sales-china@weinert-industries.com
North and South America
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Email sales-americas@weinert-industries.com