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This website has been produced using the greatest care possible. The legal entity named in the imprint checks and updates the contents of each page on an on-going basis. Nevertheless, it may be that information and circumstances related to such have changed in the course of time. Any liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.

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Security notice in relation to e-mail communication

We undertake all necessary technical and organisational security measures to store your personal data so that they are not accessible to third parties or the general public. If you want to communicate with us via e-mail, we must advise you that this method of communication will not permit us to warrant fully the confidentiality of transmitted information. We would therefore recommend that confidential information be provided to us exclusively by post.

Copyrights and terms of use

The content and design of this website are protected by copyright.

The copyrights and rights of use for the photos, images, graphics, and videos (the 'works') are the property of WEINERT AG ('WEINERT') or third parties who have made them available to WEINERT ('external copyright holders'). 

The use in any medium and in any manner – including the publication, editing, downloading, restructuring/changing, including the names, the duplication, distribution of copies, or other types of use, as well as the sale and other types of transfer – of photos, images, graphics, and videos which are contained in this website and have not been specifically provided for this purpose under the 'Media centre' heading is generally prohibited without the express written permission of WEINERT and/or the external copyright holder.

WEINERT and/or the external copyright holder(s) grant(s) the user of the 'Media centre' a one-time revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive right, free of charge, which is essentially limited to the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and to the pursuit of the respective purpose of the works provided under the heading 'Media Centre' for internal editorial purposes in print and online media. Insofar as external copyright holders have only agreed to allow use under further conditions, these additional conditions must also be complied with and these limitations shall take priority over those of WEINERT insofar as they are more strictly defined; express reference to such conditions shall be made in the individual case.

For repeated use, the works must be downloaded from the Media centre again.

Use of the works in social media (Facebook, Xing, etc.) is not permitted without prior approval.

Any time which the works are used in publication, the source reference 'copyright: WEINERT' and/or the text specified by the external copyright holder must be expressly provided in the individual case.

For print media, we request submission of a copy for review, and for video and electronic media, we request notification.

Any other use, for advertising, marketing, or other purposes, particularly of a commercial nature, as well as the issuance of sub-authorisations, is not permitted unless this has been expressly agreed upon in writing between the respective copyright holder and the user.

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Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.

Font license info

Fira Sans Condensed (main font)

Copyright (C) 2012 by Carrois Apostrophe. All rights reserved.

Author: Carrois Apostophe
License:  SIL


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Author: Aniket Suvarna
License: Boxicons Website
Homepage: Boxicons Website

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