Special optical components
Special optical components

Components and customer-specific assemblies for the harshest environmental conditions
In many medical and industrial applications, components are required for light splitting, switching, or beam formation. Our special optical components have been truly tried and tested in a huge variety of disciplines, sometimes under the very harshest of conditions. Whether for space exploration, aggressive industrial environments, or extreme temperatures, WEINERT develops exceptional solutions and components for exceptional use cases.
- Ultra-reliable
- Field-tested under the most difficult conditions
- Gravity wave sensors
- NASA Pluto Mission
- Switches for JPL’s ISS experiments
Range of products and services
Product portfolio
- Multi-branched fiber bundles
- Fiber bundles with endooptics
- Fiber bundle cross-section converters
- Fiber matrix
- Fiber optical probes
- Process probes
- Vacuum feedthroughs
- Protected fiber assembly
- Flow cells
- Liquid measuring cells
- Gas measuring cells
More products
More products
Fields of use
- Spectroscopy
- Sensor technology
- Illumination and detection
Please contact us for further information. We look forward to your inquiry.
Europe, Africa, and Asia (excl. China)
Phone +49 36764-81-100
Email sales-europe@weinert-industries.com
Phone +86
Email sales-china@weinert-industries.com
North and South America
Phone +1
Email sales-americas@weinert-industries.com